Oct 6, 2019
Spotting age spots
True story: I’m walking down the road in my old neighborhood with my boss and a new client, begging forgiveness for my messy house. Then...

Sep 11, 2019
Perspectives on a work in progress
Exploring theories of quantum mechanics 100 years ago, physicists struggled with the particle vs. wave paradox. Niels Bohr proposed the prin

Sep 6, 2019
Separated at birth?
Go to the spiritual heart, and there will be a doorway to the next plane of consciousness

Aug 6, 2019
Black Rain II
When an atomic bomb is dropped and hits the earth, a large fireball develops close to the ground. Warm air rises, sucking up debris, mixing

Aug 1, 2019
Beili Liu's paradox: Each and Every
Beili Liu’s stirring work in MadArt’s installation venue pulls you in. Your eye drifts up, then down to an archipelago of greyed, discarded

Jul 23, 2019
The third largest country?
What country is synonymous with development, rampant with highways, tall buildings, bridges and dams—and is the third largest emitter of CO2

Jun 14, 2019
Making peace with art
My family had a picnic on a recent weekend, celebrating my dad’s 91st birthday. We passed around some photos of his time in Japan after...

May 9, 2019
To name a few
I'm one of those people who always reads the labels in art museums. And some art has become memorable , first for the experience of...

Apr 14, 2019
Not your mama’s Dada
Question: is all art inherently political? Here’s one way to think about contemporary art: it’s an expression of how artists interact...

Mar 19, 2019
Living under a cloud
Having learned a few years ago that my father worked on and witnessed atomic bomb tests on Bikini and Enewetak atolls in the mid-1950’s,...