May 25, 2021
How to just do it
I began musing here about growing older with an untested sense of optimism. I have a fresh appreciation for how hard that is.

Sep 12, 2020
The air is yellow
If we thought the covid-black lives-election trifecta couldn’t get more surreal, we weren’t listening to the climate science warnings

Feb 10, 2020
The cause of death is birth
Why do we have this great thirst to live, anyway? Buddhism says, the cause of death is birth.

Feb 4, 2020
Whining and ice cream
After the second month of chemo, I’m aware of the tired toll; but I circle back to how fortunate I've been.

Jan 9, 2020
The power of choice
Turning my thoughts toward dying is new. If I have a choice, how do I want that to go?

Jan 5, 2020
Hair today, gone tomorrow
I’m having one more new experience: baldness.

Dec 2, 2019
Drafted into the war on cancer
Cancer is war, ‘months of boredom punctuated by moments of terror.’

Oct 31, 2019
A day for something frightening
On halloween, I met for the first time with my oncologist.